Doctors are now able to diagnose and treat depression with medications better than they
Doctors are now able to diagnose and treat depression with medications better than they
Depression comes in many different guises and affects everyone in a different way. For some, it can be very difficult to diagnose, as the symptoms can largely be attributed to something else or be mild enough that the sufferer refuses to believe they are actually linked to depression. This could be anything from a loss of appetite, an inability to sleep, constant lethargy or a lack of motivation or enthusiasm. For others, it is an unavoidable black hole which they feel they are constantly on the precipice of, waiting to fall over into the abyss. It takes over their lives and inhibits any form of normal behaviour. Even getting up out of bed or tying a shoelace can seem like the most daunting of tasks and they can experience physical symptoms, like vomiting or loss of bowel control. This state of depression is so low, the sufferer cannot even contemplate suicide. Andrew Soloman in the Noonday Demon (Vintage Books 2002) compares this type of major depression to a vine, tightly wrapping itself around a tree, so that eventually no one can tell where the tree ends and the vine begins. The vine binds itself so tightly that the tree inside starts to die – but no one can tell, because the vine is still holding the tree up…
My client was diagnosed with depression three years ago but her depression has been increasing since her life changes. To assess my client’s depression, I will us the Beck Depression Inventory. The Beck Depression Inventory is an assessment that can tell the severity of my depression. According to Adewuya and Aloba (2007), “the BDI [3] which is a 21-item self-rated questionnaire consists of a series of ordered statements relating to particular symptoms of depression. Each statement is scored from 0 to 3 in terms of intensity giving a maximum score of 63” (pg. 288). I will use the assessment as a baseline and will be able to do the assessment again to see if her depression is improving with therapy. If my client starts at 27, one goal for…
Depression is a serious medical illness that negatively affects how a person conducts him/herself, and the way he/she think. Depression may include anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress disorders, manic depressions. People with a depressive illness cannot merely pull themselves together ' and get better. About 5% of the population will have some form of a mental illness at some point in their lives. Half of these people will also have a substance abuse…
Everyone knows what depression is, or at least they think they do, but, no one really knows what depression is unless they have it or have battled with it. Depression is defined as a serious mood disorder that involves emotional, behavioral, cognitive, and physical changes severe enough to disrupt a person’s ordinary functioning. People with depression always believe something bad is going to happen, they go through life with the constant feeling of low grade happiness, they want to be happy but the depression literally will not let them. It’s not imaginary or “all in your head” and it’s more than just feeling “down”, it’s a real and serious illness caused by changes in hormone levels, medical conditions (say suffering from cancer or being…
You are approached by a potential client suffering from clinical depression. He has been treated on and off by doctors for over 20 years, has a lifestyle of moving around and engaging in hedonistic activity. He is not currently registered with a doctor. He wants to use CBT to control his depression alongside smoking cannabis. How would you respond to this case?…
Bipolar disorder is usually treated with mood stabilizers such as Lithium or carbamazepine, anticonvulsant medications such as valproic acid or lamotrigine, or pairing antidepressants with mood stabilizers. However, bipolar disorder can be treated with a combined treatment of mood stabilizers and individual, group, or family therapy. There are many more treatments for unipolar depression. Biological treatments include brain stimulation such as vague nerve stimulation, trans-cranial magnetic stimulation, and deep brain stimulation. This option of treatment is usually the last option because it is used for treatment-resistant depression. Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) is also used as a treatment for depression although it is considered controversial. This type of treatment can cause dislocated jaws and shoulders and even broken bones. It can also cause short-term and even long-term memory loss. Another biological treatment for unipolar depression is antidepressants. These include mono-amine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors, tricyclics, and selective serotonin reputake inhibitors (SSRIs). The different types of antidepressants have different ways of combating the symptoms of depression. Other ways that are used to treat depression are free association therapy; operant conditioning which uses behavioral techniques such as pleasurable activities and rewarding behaviors that are not depressive;…
Depression is a mental illness caused by chemical imbalances in the brain. Scans on patients with clinical depression showed that they had less brain volume in several regions, including the frontal lobe, basal ganglia and hippocampus than normal, non-depressed patients. Depression can affect the way a person sleeps, eats, and functions on a daily basis. People with depression often have feeling of hopelessness, lack of energy, and they take no pleasure in things that normal people enjoy. A depressed person usually lacks motivation to do nearly anything, even the basic everyday must-do’s. Major depression is a disease that affects 5 percent of the global population (Depression’s Chemical Imbalance Explained | Psych Central News). Some people may only experience depression during and after a traumatic event, but most depressed people have to deal with the illness for a lifetime. Depression is a mental illness because it is a disease that attacks and affects the brain.…
Depression affects almost fifteen million individuals in a given year. Depression often results in emotional and physical destruction of oneself which leads to thoughts of suicide and heart attacks for many individuals. Depression is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of despondency and despair for months or even years. A disorder such as depression causes millions to feel unworthy and question their life and purpose in the world. Many ask themselves questions such as, what is the point of even trying if I’m going to fail? The loss of interest in daily activities and the emotional pain of being in a state of gloom for months can be extremely detrimental to ones well-being, physically and mentally. Environmental and sociocultural…
Mental Illness is when your thoughts feelings and behavior have a negative impact on your life. Everyone known mental illness exist but are uncomfortable about the fact it can be happening right in front of them. People who struggle with mental illness to get the help they need. Depression A serious medical condition in which a person feel very sad, hopeless and unimportant and often is unable to live in a normal way. Depression effort about one and four American. Elizabeth Medina is a pageant queen who is studying pre-med and science major. She explains how depression tried to take over her life. Grown up in a Dominican family. She gives three main reason how depression started building up in her life. But at the end…
Depression that is something that usually affects everyone at some point in their life even when the person does not realize they are suffering from it. Depression can be brought on by many different things such as job lose, a death, or by an imbalance of the brain. According to Mental Health America, depression affects more than 21 million American children and adults annually. Mental Health America, also states the principal cause of the 30,000 suicides in the U.S. each year (Mental Health America. An Analysis of Depression Across the States.2012.).…
In addressing the causes, symptoms, and treatments of Unipolar depression and Bipolar disorders one might see that there are many similarities but significant differences. One might see how life tasks and one’s emotions and motivations are subject to failure when acquiring these disorders. One might also notice that many of those whom acquire these disorders do not even realize that they have them. Questions one might ask are how does one know if they or a family member may be subject to or experiencing these disorders and how does one treat them?…
People diagnosed with mood disorders, such as major depressive disorder, dysthymic disorder and bipolar disorder make up about 9.5% of the US population (NAMI). This population not only has been diagnosed with one disorder, but many have multiple disorders, such as depression linked with anxiety, and/or substance abuse. Those who have been diagnosed with depression or a combination of disorders (comorbidity) are at a greater risk for harming themselves and others. The National Institute of Mental Health (2013) stated that more than 90% of people who commit suicide each year have been previously diagnosed with a mood disorder such as the ones listed above. While depression is common, it is also a very serious disorder that some may take lightly when first diagnosed. Depression can be caused by several combinations of different factors, like genetics, biology and their environment. For some people, having family members who suffer from depression, makes them more vulnerable to symptoms of depression.…
Growing up can be hard. But growing up with depression can be ever harder. Depression is an uprising issue that keeps growing. Around the world, there is an estimated 350 million people suffering from depression (“Media Centre”). For some, depression takes over their lives and they end up taking their own before their life gets better or they get treatment.…
Major depression is a therapeutic sickness influencing 9.9 million American grown-ups. Dissimilar to typical emotional encounters of passing mood states, misery, or loss, major depression is constant and can fundamentally meddle with an individual's thinking, conduct, mind-set, action, and physical wellbeing. Major depression has 4 categories. The first is the manner by which it influences your point of view/thought process making it hard to focus and most thoughts are negative. Second is mood change and inspiration and the individual no longer appreciates exercises like before and are bad tempered more often than not. Third is behavioral change, for example, losing enthusiasm for sex, no longer thinking about individual cleanliness, appetite…
Clinical depression, also known as Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), is among one of the leading mental disorders. Like many disorders it is not fully understood. Depression can arise in any age group, from kids to teens, young adults, middle age adults, and even elderly people. There is also something called situational depression, but this paper will not touch on that. “The exact cause of depression is not known. Many researchers believe it is caused by chemical imbalances in the brain, which may be hereditary or caused by events in a person 's life” (A.D.A.M.). Symptoms of depression include feeling sad, hopeless, worthless, or pessimistic. They can also include irregular sleeping and eating habits. These are only a brief over view of the beginning of depression. The list of symptoms goes on. Depression is a serious illness and has effects on the patient and their loved ones. Depression can be treated in several different ways, normally with a combination of medications and counseling. It is found to be more beneficial combining the two treatments. “Some studies have shown that antidepressant drug therapy combined with psychotherapy has better results than either therapy alone” (A.D.A.M.).…