SFC Virgil, Shelby J.
Developmental Counseling Essay
06/Nov/2012 Tuesday
Military Rules & Regulations
There are many types of leaders in the military. To be specific, there are five different people(s) that take part in leading the Army. They are as follows (from highest point of responsibility to lowest); the SA (Army Staff) and CSA (Chief of Staff), the Vice CSA, the DCS G-1 (Deputy Chief of Staff), the HQDA (Headquarters Department of the Army) Heads of other staffing support, and commissioned officers/NCOs.
In completeness, the Army Staff all take care of how we as soldiers are supposed to behave to each other, as well as civilians, and the duties we are to uphold. LDRSHIP was put into place to give us a basic idea of these responsibilities. The CSA makes sure that the leadership is keeping soldiers ready to perform their jobs effectively and aptly. The Vice CSA advises the CSA of what needs to be done in improving the Army, through the recommendations from the Well-Being GOSC (General Officer[s] Steering Committee) and oversees the rest of the Army Staff. The DCS G-1 leads the Well-Being GOSC by; creating their agenda, bringing in staff and administrators, and guaranteeing these staff are well organized and disciplined in their decisions of the Army’s well-being. The HQDA staff does much of the same thing the Well-Being GOSC does, by supporting the policies, plans, and initiatives to improve the Army’s overall prosperity. The last of the leadership charged with improving our lives, as soldiers and moral, as well as maintaining an order of things, are the commissioned and non-commissioned officers. They help our mental, physical, and spiritual health’s are brought to their peak level. They also help our families to have as much of the same benefits and living circumstances as we soldiers have.
As soldiers, we are to be disciplined and handle our duties with respect to the rules and regulations put into place by our above leaders.