Brown aim from the experiment is to manipulate the entire population with a rumor about a lucky-dog statue, in order form them to understand a little more about how the mind construct beliefs, also to show others such as students how we can learn from this in our lives.
The experiment also answers the question of why some attracts good luck and why others don’t. One of the main focus on the experiment was William’s attitude towards life and his overall evaluation of luck. William is a Boucher in that old town that believe he has a bad luck and …show more content…
He walks, looking down to the ground and miss out chances and opportunities that could have made his life better.
On the other hands, there are some that believed in good luck and that they are lucky. Eventually those who had such a positive attitude were rewarded by meeting the opportunities and events. Brown placed cameras by the statues he managed to spread the rumors of. Many of the people in that town who believed that the statue will change their life, there life began to change to the better. Similarly to the experiment of the placebo affects were patients were given pills that are empty of any chemicals but they were told that they are going to experience a certain feelings, and then they experience