I think the topic that I select is very interesting but I think is a little bit controversial because this writer includes God in his Discourse of the Method. The way that Descartes started this passage made me think that he relies on his own understanding including that he was really confused about his existence, where his thoughts and ideas came from this part was very surprise to me. The first point when I get surprise was when he said that he decided to pretend that every thought he had, were no more true, than the illusions and dreams he always had. Being a person that believes in God. For this reason I put in the beginning of the paragraph that this topic is a little bit controversial. Then to my surprise, he came to realize that the ideas put in him were by something greater than him. He said that the thing greater than him is God. Another statement that took me by surprise was when he stated that God was in us.…
Now that I have had a chance to review my original essay, I’ve determined that my arguments for Descartes’ logic being circular were unclear because I believed something different from what I believe now. Though this revision will still address the same concepts from the Meditations as my previous essay, I will argue instead that Descartes’ argument for the existence of God is not guilty of circular logic but merely has the illusion of such. Descartes’ belief system for the existence of God consists of claims that seem to presuppose one another in defending their conclusions of each other, but instead, each follow from the Cogito as first principles.…
2. Identify and describe the three arguments Descartes employs to call into doubt our beliefs about reality.…
This gives an insight into why Descartes relies so heavily on the God in his meditations. It seems he uses God to support his meditations and uses God as a solution to his philosophy of doubt. God is vital as he is the answer to Descartes’ most complex ideas on doubt and enables him to preach God’s ability to relieve us of doubt but further more he want to reveal to us that God is the reason for all matter , for our…
The essence of the main argument in the fourth Meditation of Descartes is to establish that there is a difference between God: his creator and himself, and how this difference does not taint the infinite abilities of God. Descartes commences his argument by first establishing his idea of being a thinking being. In his previous book, The Discourse on Method and Meditations on First Philosophy he sates,…
To begin with, Descartes asserts that because (P1) “I know that everything which I clearly and distinctly understand is capable of being created by God so as to correspond exactly with my understanding of it” (p. 16), and…
The Meditator is alone, no trees, no people, no oceans, no mountains, no earth, no moon; just him and his isolation. In “Meditation Three”, Descartes goes much deeper than just his famous philosophical ideal — if “one can think one can be”(Descartes 19). He goes on to explain how there must be a God. He states that if there was not a God, people would have created themselves. If this were to be true, everyone would create themselves as perfect people. Descartes believes that there must be a God. God created humans and other humans and other objects to allow humans to think. This human ability to think allows them to exist. If nothing else were to exist and the Meditator was alone in the universe then he could not think and without thought,…
Having a belief that all questions have a scientific or mathematical answer; Rene Descartes in his search for solutions used principles that were already known and sets out to establish specific knowledge or truths. One of his most startling revelations is outlined in his writing “Discourse on the Method IV.…
According to this principle, the reality of the cause must be greater than or equal to the reality of the effect. The idea of God has infinite reality and, by theory, the only cause of this infinite idea can only be God. With all this said, the reality of God is the only plausible cause to the reality of the idea of God. Descartes gives another proof in Meditation Five where he has reasoned that a triangle must have all the properties he assigns to it, because the triangle exists as an idea in his mind and he clearly and distinctly perceives all these properties. He then reasons, by analogy, that God exists as an idea in his mind and he clearly and distinctly perceives all of his qualities. One of these qualities is existence, so it follows from his clear and distinct perception that God must exist. If existence is the essence of God, then God would not be God if he did not exist, just as a triangle would not be a triangle if it were not three-sided. At the very least, then, the existence of God must be as certain as the properties of mathematical and geometrical objects since he can prove them in the same way. Having concluded that God must necessarily exist, Descartes goes further and then asks how he received the idea of God. He could have not invented the idea. Therefore, the idea must be innate which, according to Descartes, means that God must have created him…
Clarke, D. M. (2006). Descartes : A Biography. Cambridge University Press. Retrieved from eBook Collection…
Words used to describe World War l: cataclysmic, catastrophic, and transformational because nothing was the same once the war was over. Because of new advances everything seemed like everything was in grasp right before World War I. It was not one mistake it was a series of mistakes. Not just destructive physically but in terms of global politics. Woodrow Wilson lead this country out of destruction, that was World War I.…
He argues that something cannot begin from nothing, like a rock it is made from things with all the proper components. The same is true for man and all existence; he could not be from nothing, but rather from the first efficient cause, which is God. By this argument Descartes is saying that since we have a certain idea of infinity, then that means that this idea must have been caused by a thing that exists in reality. Since we have this idea Descartes thinks that it could not have arisen through humans because we are finite, therefore the existence of God is true because we have this idea and it could not have arisen from us. Hume would argue that this is indeed untrue his character Cleanthes states that nothing that is distinctively conceivable implies a contradiction. Whatever we conceive to exist, we can also conceive to not exist. Therefore there is no being whose existence implies a contradiction. In this Cleanthes says that nothing can surely exist, for example, if I see a chair I can also conceive that chair not to exist even though it does, because I can do this denying the existence of something does not imply a contradiction. Therefore, to say that God is not the efficient cause because he does not exist is a valid claim. Furthermore Philo states that the universe could be ordered in a manner similar to mathematics, which does not…
God is the next doubt that Descartes brings to attention. He says that he is constantly deceived and God must have created him to be subject to this occasional deception. This doubt is quickly dispersed however when Descartes reasons that God is good and therefore would not deceive him because that would be contrary to his goodness.…
AQUARIAN sits on the couch in a typical, suburban living room while her parents (ROMERO and LILITH), clothed in black robes, stand waving their hands and wagging their fingers, clearly lecturing.…
John Locke, also a philosopher and political theorist of the 17th century, would contend to the idea or theory of Rene Descartes. Locke would say that human knowledge is not natural or inborn; it is rather developed and learned. He indicates that not all human people have this mental knowledge already in their minds. For instance, people who are mentally ill do not have these “innate ideas” in their minds. Since there are abnormalities in their brain circuits they cannot think properly like a normal human person do. So, if ideas are innate in our minds, why does a mentally disabled person do not think like a normal person? This is one of the concepts why Locke thinks that Descartes’ theory is wrong. Locke claims that prior to receiving any…