Descartes’s best work is “Meditations on First Philosophy” which is where most of his investigation on the questions of knowing takes place. In meditation I Descartes accepts that he has learned throughout his life with his senses…
1. For Descartes, why can't knowledge gained through sense experience be trusted as the basis of knowledge?…
Descartes sets out on a mission to guarantee that every one of his beliefs is certain without any doubt. He considers that he should free himself of all false learning keeping in mind the end goal is to acquire any genuine information. Descartes chooses to question all that he has learned from truth in the past. He will depend on his thinking capacity to reconstruct his own particular knowledge, starting with a foundation of things which he is most sure about. Descartes declines to acknowledge anything that has any hint of doubt. His purpose behind doing such is because he genuinely trusts this is the best way to find the practical presence of something that cannot be questioned. Descartes uses a strategy in his endeavor to obtain information.…
The fact that Descartes is even considering the mere question of his own existence just proves that he indeed exists and that is certain. Further, he argues that we are essentially thinking things (res cogitans) that can know our minds clearly and distinctly. Descartes pitches a tent for himself firmly in the rationalist camp, as opposed to the empiricist camp. He constantly emphasizes that the clear and distinct perceptions of the intellect are the only sure means of securing knowledge, and ultimately concludes that the senses are not designed to give us knowledge at all, but are rather meant to help us move through the world in a very practical…
Descartes lived during a very skeptical period, at a time before science as we know it existed, and after a long period of relative stagnation in philosophical thought during the Church-dominated and Aristotle-influenced late Middle Ages. He had been impressed, in both his academic work and in his experience of the world at large, by the realization that there appeared to be no certain way of acquiring knowledge, and he saw his main task as the epistemological one of establishing what might be certain knowledge as a stepping stone towards the ultimate pursuit of truth. His more immediate aim in this was to put scientific enquiry in a position where it was no longer subject to attack by Skeptics, and he tried to do this by a kind of…
In Meditation I, Descartes reflects on his past beliefs and realizes how so much that he once believed to be true was actually false. To separate what is truth from fiction; Descartes decided to completely reject anything which he can doubt at all. He wrote, “If I am able to find in each some reason to doubt, this will suffice to justify my rejecting the whole” (Descartes 4). The belief that inspired this method was that genuine truth was clear and distinct and that any doubt whatsoever could not provide absolute certainty. In essence, if any component of something was in the very least questionable, then any conclusion drawn from it would be at the most questionable. This method led Descartes to doubt practically everything he once believed, especially knowledge attained through the senses. He wrote, “All that up to the present time I have accepted as most true and…
In Meditation one, Descartes initially writes about a blanket of ignorance that he feels he’s been trapped under for his entire life up until this point. He says “I had accepted, even from my youth, many false opinions for true.” With this statement, Descartes decides to do a spring cleaning of sorts of all his beliefs that he has reason to doubt. He makes a point to mention though, that not all of his beliefs are false or able to be refuted.…
The Matrix movie had many similarities with the readings from Plato and Descartes. All three discussed the scenario in which reality was discovered to be a non-reality. Specifically, in The Matrix, reality that was experienced by multitudes of people is actually a computer simulation called “The Matrix”. This is actually a deviation from the Plato and Descartes readings in that computers were not mentioned or available at the time of those writings. Plato (380 BC) speaks of people having their “legs and necks fettered from childhood”, while a source of the restraint is not specifically mentioned, it is most certainly a physical restraint as opposed to the material, computer generated reality as described in The Matrix movie.…
In his first Meditation, he describes that our ordinary experience of the world cannot guarantee a good foundation on which all knowledge is based upon. His second Meditation begins with Descartes wondering if there really is anything that we can know. He notices problem with our senses; optical illusions. He continues doubting the credibility of his senses by noting that we perceive distant objects to be smaller than they really are.…
The aim of Descartes’ first meditation is to first rid the mind of opinion and to only believe what is true. The second goal of his is to begin to put sciences on a firm foundation. He plans on achieving these goals by using a methodological doubt process in which he will see if he can discover a basis or corrosive agent that can bring all his beliefs into doubt. He believes that once a belief can be doubted, all…
The meditator concludes that, he is certain of things he was able to doubt in Meditation I. When in doubt of things one can use intellect or memory to be certain in the world.42 Descartes also notes, our memory can dismiss any doubt we have about the Dream Argument.43 Experiences that happen why you are awake are connected through memory, where dreams happen as a disconnect. Descartes is certain God is not a deceiver, which makes him safe from error.…
This is the first thing that Descartes knows to be true. He says, “What about thinking? Here I make my discovery: thought exists; it alone cannot be separated from me. I am; I exist- this is certain” (Descartes, 19). He goes on to say that his senses are deceptive and whatever he may understand from his senses may be false, therefore he cannot rely on them.…
In Descartes work he mentions that our senses are not to be trusted, for they have deceived us once and surely will deceive us again. As he clearly stated in his meditation, “All that up to the present time I have accepted as most true and certain I have learned either from the senses or through the senses; it is sometimes proved to me that these senses are deceptive, and it is wiser not to trust entirely…
He says, “I remind myself that on many occasions I have in sleep been deceived by similar illusions,” so he seems to be relying on some knowledge to the effect that he has actually dreamt in the past and that he remembers having been “deceived” by those dreams. That is more than he actually needs for his reflections about knowledge to have the force he thinks they have. He does not need to support his judgement that he has actually dreamt in the past. The only thought he needs is that is now possible for him to be dreaming that he is sitting by the fire, and that if that possibility were realized he would not know that he is sitting by the fire. Of course it was no doubt true that Descartes had dreamt in the past and that his knowledge that he had done so was partly what he was going on in acknowledging the possibility of his dreaming on this particular occasion. But neither the fact of past dreams nor knowledge of their actual occurrence would seem to be strictly required in order to grant what Descartes relies on – the possibility of dreaming, and the absence of knowledge if that possibility were realized. (p. 17)…
In conclusion, Descartes deduced that every science that is studied is based and rests upon the knowledge of the one true God. Descartes mentions that before becoming aware of God, he was unable to attain certain and true knowledge about anything else. Now that Descartes has proven, through his logic, about material things existing outside of thoughts and God’s existence, it is possible for him…