You might see the wax, but we refer to the wax as how the mind sees it instead of saying we see the wax with our eyes and by its shape or color. Our intellect rather, judges that we see the wax and not some unknown object in front of us. Descartes states that our mind is far better known than our body because any concept of our body can be deceived as false but also because we can’t rule out the fact if we can completely trust our senses to distinguish if we’re really dreaming or not. With the wax experiment, Descartes does in fact prove that he does exist, that this “I” exists. He cannot doubt that he is seeing this piece of wax in front of him and is taking apart all the parts that make up this wax by using his intellect. And with this, he does, in fact, proves his
You might see the wax, but we refer to the wax as how the mind sees it instead of saying we see the wax with our eyes and by its shape or color. Our intellect rather, judges that we see the wax and not some unknown object in front of us. Descartes states that our mind is far better known than our body because any concept of our body can be deceived as false but also because we can’t rule out the fact if we can completely trust our senses to distinguish if we’re really dreaming or not. With the wax experiment, Descartes does in fact prove that he does exist, that this “I” exists. He cannot doubt that he is seeing this piece of wax in front of him and is taking apart all the parts that make up this wax by using his intellect. And with this, he does, in fact, proves his