career because I enjoy meeting new people, and it is a career which requires much interaction with others. My main drive in life is to succeed and to be remembered, I don’t want to be forgotten, I want to leave a mark on the world. Since I was young I’ve always had trouble communicating my thoughts, music helps me do that without words. Mr. Rodgers has been one of the most important people in my life by continually encouraging me to expand my musical repertoire. It is because of him that I am adept at a variety of musical skills. He convinced me to join Varsity Singers which was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. One of the only musical things I did on my own was write music. After writing a few pieces I asked Mr. Rodgers if our band could try to play them, however his response was always lackluster or that it was just too difficult for our band. He pushed me to get better, not only in writing good music, but also writing according to a specific group’s abilities. When I joined Varsity Singers I had no clue what I was doing,
I had never even been in chorus before, let alone an elite group of vocalists who have been singing their whole lives. I slowly improved as a vocalist and I’m now one of the best males in the group. Two months after I joined Varsity Singers I showed Mrs. Leap one of my choral arrangements and she was ecstatic. We performed that at the Christmas chorus concert and although I was deathly nervous the whole time I loved the thrill it gave me and the way people reacted to it, I had finally impressed someone. I will be attending California University of Pennsylvania with a major in Music Technology. Before deciding on this major, I had contemplated studying computer science. However, I knew that was not what I wanted to spend the rest of my life doing. Shortly after applying to Cal-U, I received a merit scholarship because of my GPA, SAT scores, class rank etc. I thought this was wonderful, but then I got even better news a few weeks later. A letter came in the mail stating that I had been chosen for the Board of Governors scholarship, which is a full tuition scholarship for four years of study. One of the plethora of careers I could have with a music technology degree is an acoustics engineer. As an acoustics engineer, I will work on cutting edge audio equipment such as speakers and headphones to advance the art of audio listening performance equipment. I will work to create innovative new audio systems from theoretical research and testing of prototypes through the development of the final product. As an acoustics engineer, I could work anywhere from a concert hall to the acoustic engineer for a band on tour. Acoustic engineers make an average yearly salary of $82,000. I would like to live a moderate lifestyle, which my salary would be capable of supporting. The most important thing is going to be family, not “things”. I plan to get married, and possibly adopt children. One thing I am going to do before I die is travel the world, because I have the curiosity of what the world looks like in other places. I’m going to be staying on campus and I will be taking my car with in case I want to go home on the weekend. I’m not going to be working during my first year of college because I don’t want to be distracted while I adapt to life at college. Along with my scholarship, I have applied for financial aid through FASFA and I have money saved up from working the past 3 years. If there are any additional costs I will be applying for student loans. In high school, I found that I enjoy competing in PMEA festivals and that festivals have inspired me to become a better musician.
I’d really enjoy going to the PMEA All-State Festival this year, because I was so close last year. Being so close and then missing the cut last year has motivated me to practice day and night in order to ensure that I make the All-State festival this year. When I go to college everyone in the music program will be extremely talented musicians which will drive me to continue improving my musical abilities. I have participated in every musical activity that this school offers. My experiences in these musical activities have not only prepared me to have a successful career in music but have also made high school a very enjoyable experience. Being that I have participated in more PMEA festivals than anyone to graduate from Bedford ever before me is something I hold as quite an honor, and I plan to use those experiences to guide me through the rest of my life as a musician. I will most likely switch careers at least once mainly because I like trying new things and my major lets me do a wide variety of different jobs. Steve Jobs once said “Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it.” This quote really describes how I feel about many things, I have found a career doing something I love. It also describes decisions of the heart which is how I go about much of my life. So many times people go with what is easiest not what they really want. Next time you have a big decision make sure you ask your heart