
Describe A Significant Period Of Suffering

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Describe A Significant Period Of Suffering
1. Describe a time when you experienced a significant period of suffering. How did you deal with that experience? How did you find comfort in the midst of suffering?
The significant period of suffering that I had experienced, was a broken relationship that ended in January of this year. I had just found out that my boyfriend of three years of dating, had gotten another girl pregnant and was seeing her, while I was still with him. I loved and fell in love with him, but I did not know that he was still searching. I was always the one that made the effort to go see him, and I would send him encouraging words each day. I was with him when he was going through hard times in his life, such as fighting in court for share custody with his kids, and I would help him financially when he needed it help. This really tore me apart, and I had never felt so much pain before. The day I found out, I could not breathe, and it felt like someone just ripped my heart out and stomped all over it. I cried myself to sleep and took me days to pull myself together, because I had to get all my assignment turn in on time, and it was
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“If God truly cares for humans, God is completely good and God has the power to help people, why then is there so much suffering and evil in the world?” (Sharpe, 2017). God is a good God, loving, caring, and all-powerful and there is no doubt about that. Human beings will continue to suffer and go through hard times in their lives. This is all because of the fall of mankind. Adam and Eve were disobedient and did not listen to God, so now suffering and evil is part of human life. However, God cares about our suffering, and he wants us to bring him our suffering and to depend on him for everything. In this world, I believe that God test us through everything in our lives, including time of suffering and hard

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