I think that the data collected is fairly reliable. It could be questioned as the experiment was only repeated once and it was done fairly hastily.…
The findings of this experiment suggest different results from the original experiment carried out by Loftus and Palmer in 1974, as there was no significant difference between the estimated speeds between the two groups because the results were not statically different. The descriptive results showed that the participants in the smashed group estimated a higher speed than the participants of the contacted group, (smashed group estimated a speed of 61.375 whereas the contacted group estimated a speed of 49.5), however the Mann-Whitney U test values indicated that the difference wasn’t significant enough to differentiate between the two conditions and so the difference was due to chance. The results reject the experimental hypothesis and support the null hypothesis that states that the use of the word “smashed” in the critical question will have no effect on the speed estimated. As my results are different to the original experiment carried out by Loftus and Palmer I suspect that there were some limitations in my attempt to replicate the experiment.…
I think this study was done by immature researchers who does a survey online for this type of research. How did this article even make it into Science Dailey it isn't that good when it comes down to what they used for research. My science teachers have always told me that this website is the best place for news and research articles I am kinda taken back by the way this article was presented.…
* 50 kids are divided into 2 groups. One is exposed to a vid on bullying. The other isn’t. After one week, both groups are questioned about their attitudes about violence. This is a designed experiment…
The Loftus and Palmer study is a laboratory experiment. This means that the study is artificial. The artificiality of the setting can intimidate participants or make them more obedient. This in turn can produce unnatural behavior and results that do not generalize to real life. This can be seen in experiment 2 when 12% of the control group reported seeing broken glass even though they were unaffected by the verb. This could be attributed to the leading question or to demand characteristics when participants look for cues as to what the research is about and behave accordingly, perhaps to please the researcher, especially as the participants in this case are students that may even be familiar with the researcher as they are from the same environment. In a nutshell, due to the nature of the experiment, it lacks ecological validity. In a real life situation there would be an element of surprise and an increase in emotion. Basically the eye-witness would be in some way involved, which is not the case while watching the video the eye-witness is not part of the event. Furthermore, an eye-witness in a real life situation may discuss the event with other people which may alter their memory of the event. Lastly, an eye-witness may think more carefully about giving an answer when in a real life situation when they realize that their answer could judge how innocent or guilty a person is, they may hesitate and realize the importance, although when taking part in a study they may just give an answer without as much thought.…
findings. Those who read about new ways of measuring a familiar concept should be skeptical…
____7.In one experiment, most of the participants who viewed a videotape of men tossing a basketball remained unaware of an umbrella-toting woman sauntering across the screen. This illustrated…
• In the Cooper & Shepard experiment (1973), participants were asked to decide whether a stimulus…
The results show that participants remembered more words using the narrative chaining mnemonic. On average, participants using narrative chaining remembered 2 more words than not using memory enhancing techniques.…
McCloskey, M., & Zaragoza, M. (1985). Misleading Post Event Information and Memory for Events: Arguments and Evidence against Memory Impairment Hypotheses. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General,…
Historically, eyewitnesses have played a crucial role in arrests and convictions in New York, and elsewhere. Law enforcement, judges and juries have relied heavily on the statements and identifications of witnesses because they were actually present for, or otherwise a part of, a criminal offense. Recent studies have shown, however, that eyewitness testimony may not be as reliable as it was long thought to be.…
A main strength of cognitive psychology is that this approach has tended to use a scientific approach through the use of laboratory experiments. A strength of using laboratory experiments is that they are high in control therefore researchers are able to establish cause and effect. For example Loftus and Palmer were able to control the age of the participants, the use of video and the location of the experiment. All participants were asked the same questions (apart from changes in the critical words), and the position of the key question in the second was randomised. Furthermore, such standardised experiments are easy to test for reliability. However, as many cognitive studies are carried out in laboratory settings they can lack ecological validity. When cognitive processes such as memory and theory of mind are studied in artificial situations it may be difficult to generalise the findings to everyday life.…
Equal numbers of other participants were then asked in one of four other ways. There were five verbs used altogether, including ‘bumped’, ‘collided’, ‘smashed’, ‘contacted’ and ‘hit’. They found that the…
* Are the findings valid or an accurate reflection of reality? Do you have confidence in…
Another factor that has made the findings to be valid is the use of sophisticated machine, EEG machine. These are the results of the three hypotheses I have mentioned in the introductory paragraph. The result for hypothesis 1 was that participants were much more likely to recall…