Many of the features of the three components are supported by research. For example, Conrad (1964) supports the idea of acoustic encoding. Peterson and Peterson (1959) support the idea of a limited duration in STM, whilst Bahrick et al (1975) support the relative permanency of LTM. Conrad used strings of letter to investigate STM, there were presented quickly on a screen the results were very interesting. Conrad said that it was the sound of the letters that mattered in encoding in the STM. Even though presented on a screen, the visual information must have changed into acoustic. Peterson and Peterson used
Many of the features of the three components are supported by research. For example, Conrad (1964) supports the idea of acoustic encoding. Peterson and Peterson (1959) support the idea of a limited duration in STM, whilst Bahrick et al (1975) support the relative permanency of LTM. Conrad used strings of letter to investigate STM, there were presented quickly on a screen the results were very interesting. Conrad said that it was the sound of the letters that mattered in encoding in the STM. Even though presented on a screen, the visual information must have changed into acoustic. Peterson and Peterson used