Diversity refers to our differences such as culture, beliefs, values, views and life experiences. The concept of diversity is to accept, respect and embrace our differences. When people with these differences unite and share the same group or organization we see a diverse environment. Working in a childcare setting, we have the potential to work with an abundance of diversity. This can be very rewarding but can also pose challenges. Positively, we have the opportunity to promote the sense of individuality, sense of pride and belonging by providing a safe and nurturing environment. Discussing each other’s differences is a great way to learn and become aware of the differences in the world. One example of promoting diversity is to display the word “welcome” on the door in all first languages spoken in that classroom or even learning how to say hello in each language. The challenges are learning how ensure equality and eliminate discrimination. Introducing children at an early age to diversity will have an impact on their acceptance of others who are different from them. Diversity can also come in the form of race, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, age, physical abilities and political beliefs.
Equality is the term for equal opportunities. Whilst supporting diversity and respecting differences everyone is offered the same services and programs. All children and families have an equal chance and equal right to participate or not to participate regardless of any differences such as physical disabilities or cultural beliefs. Practitioners have a duty to ensure that there is equality in their classroom. A child who has a learning disability should not be stereotyped with assumptions that he or she is not capable and therefor does not receive equal opportunity in classroom activities. Discrimination is the result of not practicing equality, for example, a child cannot be left out of a school outing because they don’t have