Maybe look at how the special educational needs code of practice impacts on what you do or who you contact in your setting. What does your job contract list as its minimium standards for duties and responsibilities that you're expected to work with, perform to & where wanted beyond in your daily work - link that to the national occupational standards.
Legislation could be the childcare act 2006 that via an order & regulation of the act gives legal force/statutory strength to England's eyfs framework - about on and here, on it put a requirement in place for settings to register and be subject to inspection. and through the children's act 2004 aims to fulfil the positive outcomes of ECM every child matters.
Goverment initiative SureStart 2004 - about or maybe healthy eating - 5 a day & how your setting feels about and implements any guidance that this initiative provides. Every child a talker, PPEL Parents as Partners in Early Learning, talk to your baby, Bookstart - history, stay & play funded groups or sessions .. The goverment supported the initiative behind charity Home-start.
Representational bodies are groups or organisations that guide or stand for the same thing that colleagues working in a nursery/preschool/playwork field want for their children and famillies to be experience a sense of well-being, safety, security and every opportunity to succeed.
It was skills sector body CWDC, other national organisations/representative bodies are the NSPCC or NCB, or maybe subscription based organisations such as NDNA, NCMA, PLA.