Physical activity
Physical activity is any activity that enhances or maintains physical fitness and overall health. The benefits of exercise include: strengthening muscles and cardiovascular system, weight loss or maintenance. Frequent and regular exercise boosts the immune system and reduces the chance of illness.
Stress is a state of mental or emotional strain resulting from difficult circumstances. Stress can be caused by many things, from relationships to exams. Stress is not an illness but is considered to be very dangerous if not properly dealt with. stress can cause your blood pressure to increase which can cause many complications in the future.
Doctor across the globe have recommended the best ways with dealing with stress are: writing about it in a journal, make time fro you to relax and have fun and to talk to someone you trust about it. Some people, when stressed, turn to drugs or alcohol because it is easier than talking but it can lead to many health problems in the future.
Smoking is the inhalation of burning substances either in a cigarette, pipe or cigar. People can start smoking for many reasons they can be stress or peer pressure. Most people know that smoking is bad for you but they either don't care or they cant …show more content…
However, if you eat healthy then it will make you less tired and it will reduce the chance of heart problems and general disease. The government recommends that men and women should only eat 2000 calories a day. The government also said that people should eat 5 fruit and vegetables a day because it gives toy vitamins and minerals. Dietician say say that if you eat slowly then you are more likely to eat less food as you become