Pictorial depth cues are what we use to create depth and distance on a 2D canvas or paper.
Linear perspective is used when two parallel lines converge together and are perceived to come to a point into the distance. We perceive this in straight roads, railway tracks or hallways. This image displays linear perspective on the left side on the box as it is perceived to come together despite the fact that the lines are parallel.
Interposition is used when an object sits in front of another object, obscuring our view of the object that is behind. This helps us to perceive that front object as being closer. This image uses interposition in how the front perfume bottle partially covers the other, and that bottle does the same …show more content…
This is shown in the detail on the fluffy texture on the inside of my jumper. As it gets further away from our eyes, it loses some of its texture, helping us to perceive the areas with less texture as being in the distance.
Relative size is when an object with a small retinal image is seen as being further away, and the object with a larger retinal image is perceived as being closer. Relative size is shown in this image by the two bottles of whiteout. While they are both the same size, one bottle is perceived to be smaller and further away than the other.
Height in the visual field refers to an object that is closer to the horizon is perceived as being more distant. In this image, the tree in the background is perceived to be further away, because it is closer to the horizon.
Gestalt principles refer to ways which we organise the features of a visual scene by grouping objects together and creating a complete, whole form. There are 4 types of gestalt principles and they are figure-ground organisation, closure, similarity and …show more content…
In this image, we perceive a woman breastfeeding a baby, despite the fact that the lines don’t connect to create a full shape.
Similarity is when we perceive objects that have similar features as belonging together or being in a similar group. In this image, similarity is shown by how we perceive four different groups of paper due to the fact that they are different in colour.
Proximity is when we see objects placed close together and perceive them to be in a group. In this image, it is shown in the pieces of paper, as we percieve there to be two groups of six pieces of paper due to the gap separating the two.
Perceptual constancies are our ability to understand that an object’s size, shape, colour, brightness or orientation will remain the same even though it is casting a different retinal image.
Size constancy is recognising that an object’s size remains the same even when the size of the image it casts on our retina