Dog gets murdered D. getting to know christopher
Christopher hits cop E. detective work for wellington
Ends up in jail F. meets mrs. alexander
2. Personal Reaction
I feel for Christopher because they are blaming him for something that wasn’t his doing. I feel like this situation was blown out of proportion, because the cop was not sensitive towards Christopher’s condition. Although Christopher is different than a lot of people, I actually relate to him quit a bit because he is compassionate towards animals, stresses when too much happens at once, and he hates complicated metaphors.
3. Literary Element
Mark Haddon uses character development to create a sort of bond between the reader and the main character, Christopher. The development of Christopher exemplifies the similarities between a normal teenager and a teenager like Christopher. The development makes him a relatable figure, therefore, more intriguing to read about. Although he has trouble expressing …show more content…
his emotions, Haddon has made it easy to comprehend his thoughts by allowing the audience to read Christopher’s thoughts in depth. With the understand of his thoughts and feelings, readers comprehend that he is not much different after all. “I find people confusing….too complicated to work out in a few seconds.” (pg. 8)
Plot list: found Mrs.Shears dead dog D.
Dad finds hidden book
Animosity builds with Mrs.Shears. E. Finds mothers letter. Discovers Christopher's moms affair
2. Personal reaction:
Receiving this much challenges for anyone would be hard, but imagine how hard it is for christopher. His brain can hardly process emotion on a day to day basis, but discovering recent letters of his dead mother and finding out about about her affair must mentally hurt much harder for Chris. I would hate to have to not be able to trust my mother.
3. Literary element:
In these chapters we discover that the author had a prime example of foreshadowing the fake of christopher's mother's death in the early chapter. This element helps the author create the discovery of his mother's wellbeing more dramatic.
“Mother only 38 and heart attacks usually happen to older people, and mother was very active..”(pg.13)
Plot list:
Dad has been lying about death. E. sleeps
Reveals his doings of killing wellington f. Decides to move in with mother
Realizes he can't trust his father 2. Personal reaction:
I believe that christopher's autism really affects his process of understanding things that happen, which not only affects his emotions but his actions towards his emotions. I feel sympathy for christopher in his dark time. 3. Literary element:
In these chapter the author creates a conflict between Christopher and his parents by uncovering their wrongdoings. Which make Christopher make the irrational decision of leaving .
“I did it for your good, Christopher. Honestly I did. I never meant to lie.”(39)