These characteristics have been reflected in my strategic approach to life. I got involved in student union in college for the leadership opportunities it gave me. I played the pivotal role in organizing the seven day college annual festival, chaired multiple negotiations between college administration and the student body and ran a three month long election campaign for getting elected as the President of the Student Union!
I am passionate for knowledge. I follow through my understanding of any concept with reading and debate until I am satisfied with my level of understanding. I learn quickly. I integrate disparate inputs with relative ease. Once convinced, I will fight for my point of view. Once proven wrong, I am equally happy to accept the opposing conclusions. When I know that other will excel where I am weak, I am quick to recognize my limitations and seek assistance. These strengths help me to solve problems efficiently and completely.
Additionally, I think that adaptability and flexibility are important strengths that I developed. I grew up in a rather humble family in the mid-western city of Louisville, studied in Chicago and had to move around US for my work. Befriending people from various economic and social backgrounds and always being ready to pack up and leave has forced me to develop a great deal of flexibility, making me ready to face adversity and change, to face ever changing situation and to deal with various cultures and values.
Some of my areas of improvement would be that I focus too much on details and often end up losing time on details that will not add value to my judgment. I am also working on being more assertive about my viewpoints. . Although I have improved a lot, I still need to be more effective in defending ideas and getting my points across to senior management. I think a year of