Ethics is: Ethics, also known as moral philosophy, is a branch of philosophy that involves systematizing, defending, and recommending concepts of right and wrong conduct. The term comes from the Greek word ethos, which means "character". Ethics is a complement to Aesthetics in the philosophy field of Axiology. In philosophy, ethics studies the moral behaviour in humans, and how one should act. Ethics may be divided into four major areas of study: in this blog I will be writing about the ethical issues in international business practices.
Within a production line the products that are being made will at some point be using something which is harmful to the environment. In countries like the US and most developed countries in Europe (EU) have laws set down on the disposal of harmful chemicals and pollution you are able to find more information about the pollution laws in the EU through this website this website lists the law which companies and citizens of the EU have to follow to assure that they are causing minimal damage to the environment around them.
What the main issue is less developed countries, they do not have the force to stop the amount of pollution let into their environment ether because the size of the country or the lack of law officials in their countries. Therefore the people who own companies in those countries are able to illegally dispose of their materials and this is causing great environmental problems.
In third world countries especially Africa and Brazil at the moment there is a huge gold rush and for a long time they have been digging for diamonds. Recently the population of these countries have found out that they are sitting on areas which are rich with gold.
The countries where large amount of gold is