Stepping off the plane was a huge relief which caused a striking smile to form on my face. I was finally in Maui. The caress of the soft wind swayed across my skin. It immediately made me feel comfortable. As I rode in a taxi to “The …show more content…
The misty climate, filled with drops of dew from the nature around me felt most pleasing. The waterfall was a majestic blue, unlike anything I ever laid eyes on. Echoes of the rushing water, surged over the rocks of the mountain. Birds chirping and frogs croaking added to the sound. I was then ready to take on an activity that I had been zealous to do; snorkeling!
Subsequently, I sprinted over to the serenity pool at the end of the waterfall. Fronds of seaweed and plants waved at the bottom. There were vibrant fish and dazzling coral all around. I frantically began putting on my snorkeling gear. Diving in felt as if the water rushed at me. It was freezing! It was so cold that I started shuddering. The bliss pool was crystal clear, I could see everything. Snorkeling was all that I thought it would be and more.
At last, my first day in Maui was to an end. In confidence, I knew the rest of my trip would be a success. As I walked into my room, I could barely stand. My bones were aching and it felt like my feet were striking with needles. I threw my body onto the bed which made my eyelids heavy. Looking out my window, I watched the dark sky and bright stars; until they watched me. The next day was going to be even