Throughout, I’m treated to descriptions -- such as “disappear into my room . . , wrap myself in jackets and blankets, and put on thick gloves” (Hicks, 2015, p. 186) -- which bring to life the struggling-to-make-ends-meet existence Hicks’ family lead. This description of how cold their home is (of how they don’t pay to heat the house) is a more powerful and effective choice than if Hicks had told me …show more content…
In drawing parallels to explain my concerns over subjectively evaluating the effectiveness of Hicks’ style, I should consider my sewing projects. I’ve produced dozens of wardrobe pieces which take countless hours of painstaking measurements and cuts and stitches and corrections. With every piece there come two moments: one, when I want to give up, and one, when I vow to never undertake another project. And yet by the end, I am grateful that my efforts have produced something for my enjoyment. And like Hicks, I understand that the value “is more than a price tag” (2015, p.