As I approached Satis house inside of my carriage I could feel the nerves growing inside of me. I got close to the rusted gates and stopped I had to get out and walk up to the old withered gates. I felt my feet stick to the ground and I found it quite hard to breath. The sounds around me was getting very load like I was standing next to a roaring plane even know I was getting further away I could hear the crows in the background and the snorting horses. When I got closer to the gate and I could feel the gravel crunching beneath my feet I pushed the gate open and it let off a very high pitched screeching sound. I approached the ancient door and the house was like something you would see in a film it was bigger than a castle but as scary as a haunted house. The walls were covered in ivy; there was a smell of rotten plants and the rotten smell of decaying wood. I could feel my feet getting heavier and I found it hard to walk towards Satis house but I felt like someone was watching me, it was like there was a ghost present. The nerves were overwhelming and I could feel my heart pounding inside of my chest it was as if it was going to explode.
When I got closer to the house I looked up to the window and saw a ghostly girl staring back at me, I got up to the door at last it felt like I walked the green mile but I was finally there and I knocked on the big brown oak door and waited… Finally a very old small woman came and opened the door for me, my throat dried up. She had a big mole on her nose and she reminded me of a witch but she had a very loud croaking voice she told me ‘’ Come in Miss Havisham will be with you in one moment’’. I went into a waiting room in front of a very old, dusty, oak staircase I was drawn to this candle lit room that I could just about see into through a crack in the ancient door as I walked a little closer the nerves went away and I found myself gliding towards the door then Miss Havisham appeared on top