There is a common thread of betrayal and deceit among his female characters, especially. Othello and Desdemona, as portrayed in the play, are the two greatest innocents there ever were. The two appear to love one another romantically at first, but this romantic love becomes more of a profane love, or more likely was truly a profane love all along. This comes to pass because there is no foundation for a relationship here. There is no trust, no communication, and no understanding. Othello has spent most of his life in battle, which makes him good at some things-- namely, battle. Othello says "Rude am I in my speech,/ More than pertains to feats of broils and battle" ( ).
Desdemona is little more that a girl, inexperienced in the ways of the world. She is taken in by Othello's war stories. Desdemona takes one look at Othello and she is swept off her feet. But is this a true love? She speaks so fondly of him, yet hardly knows him. As she defends her newly born love for Othello, Desdemona says (among other things), "My downright violence, and storm of fortunes,/ May trumpet to the world. My heart's subdu'd/ Even to the very quality of my lord./ I saw Othello's visage in his mind,/ And to his honors and his valiant parts/ Did I my soul and fortune consecrate." ( ). Nicholson states that “The first part of the relationship, some things are said that maybe affected by Love's blindness. Put these two together, and you have the equivalent of a couple of kids playing doctor. The two big clumsy babies "fumbling towards ecstasy"
Cited: Nicholson, Catherine. "Othello" And The Geography Of Persuasion." English Literary Renaissance 40.1 (2010): 56-87. Academic Search Complete. Web. 27 Mar. 2012. Shakespeare, William. Othello. Literature and the Writing Process. 9th ed. Elizabeth McMahan, Susan X. Day,Robert Funk, and Linda Coleman. Boston: Longman, 2011. 889-975. Print.