Student: Diogo Folhadela Mota
Sebastián Renau is a 35 years old director with a Physical degree, that started to work at “Agesa” duo to his admiration of Eusébio Fuentes. He saw in him some traits that remembered his father. Eusébio´s scientific and organizational behaviour were remarkable.
After years leading a department he realized that research & development where no longer a challenge to him, simultaneous Sebastián realized that he wasn´t the leader he thought he was.
Sebastián also had familiar problems, because he was facing serious difficulties connecting with his family, mostly his son.
Facing the three options that he had, and knowing that he had just completed a PDD, I wouldn´t recommend him to accept “Alteria” proposal. This company doesn´t seem to have the necessary resources that he needs. Although the great packaging salary, he would have to commit to hard work, and wouldn’t be able to spend time with his family.
He could also accept to stay at “Agesa” and change to nuclear, international or operations division, but he would have to prove himself to the organization again. Despite the big challenge to Sebastian professional life, this kind of commitment would make him a slave to work and probably he would feel a few years from know, that he had runaway from his work, passion and team.
I think the best solution to him is definitely to “stay and fight”
This decision would give him a large manoeuvre options, he knew the business as no one else and had the challenge to reformulate the department. To achieve this, he just had to find a client that forced the managing team to embrace new technological solutions.
With this solution he could manage his work hours combining work and family. This opportunity would give Sebastian the challenge that he has looking for, and that he was now prepared to face. He should now start into practice the skills that he learned during his PDD, namely delegation and leadership.