First Peula:
* A short introduction for the first day in the desert. 1. Performance: American teenager/someone leaving Egypt? (10 min.)
The counselor is dressed in a combination of clothes resembling an American teenager and someone who had just left Egypt.
"OMG, it's so hot here, where am I anyway? Yuck, I hate sand!"
*ask who the counselor is. When responded – and American teenager…*
"I barely had time to take food, these clothes aren't mine. I'm glad whoever was chasing me is now gone, but my shoes are still wet from the sea…"
A little bit of back-round:
*Show cards with the different events that occurred in the desert*
The people of Israel left Egypt, witnessed the miracle of the parting of the Red Sea, later on got the Torah at mount Sinai, and then walked the desert for 40 years until every person of this generation who has sinned dies, and a new, pure generation will enter the Land of Israel. 40 years go by and they enter the Land of Israel only to start conquering the land. 2. Maps: (10 min.)
*Show them a map portraying the original route they were supposed to take from Egypt to Israel before the sin of the spies/create a map in the sand/human map – one kid is Israel (standing on one leg etc.) and one kid is Egypt…*
Q. The original route that God had planned for the Israelites is very long, even before he made it longer after the spies' sin. Can you think of a reason God would make the route so long?
*Any answer is acceptable, the counselor does not answer the question.*
Conclude: over the next few days we will try to understand why god chose such a long path for the Israelites, if there is any specific reason.
Throughout their time in the desert the Israelites go through some process. What process is this?
What happens in 40 years?
Why walk for 40 years and not sit put in one place? What is the purpose of walking?
Why are we going to be the desert for 3-4 days?
*We want to go through the same