This paper proposes the design of sensor based fault detection system for temperature measurement using Arduino and LabVIEW. Temperature is one of the most important industrial parameter that needs to be monitored continuously, any variations in the temperature from its set point causes the system to fail. The failure of any system causes many losses such as economical, damage to the equipments and sometimes it also risks life of individual. The purpose of the fault detection system is to ensure that simple faults can be detected at an early stage and necessary actions could be taken so that they do not develop into serious failure or cause any harm and increase plant availability. The fundamental design of fault detection is presented with help of LM 35, Ardunio development board and Graphical Programming language LabVIEW. Here the system is built using a closed box inside which an LM35 sensor is placed and is connected to Arduino also a buzzer is connected to Arduino and is programmed in such a way that if the temperature deviates from its set point than annunciation is made to indicate fault has occurred also the result is viewed in LabVIEW and graph is plotted. The system is made web published so that the user at any distant place can view it simply by using internet.
Key Words: Fault detection, LabVIEW, Ardunio development board, Web Publishing.
1. Introduction
Fault in any system causes its performance to degrade or lead to unacceptable changes in it. Faults in automated processes will often cause undesired reactions and shut-down of a controlled plant and the consequences could be damage to technical parts of the plant (Ron J Patton). Different types of faults can occur in any system such as faults due to sensors, actuators, etc. In a sensor based system the output of the sensor is constrained between two points if it exceeds or goes
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