Support System Applied to Manufacturing System
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Bessedik Imène1 and Taghezout Noria2
Department of Computer Science, University of Oran,
Abstract. The Combination between Web services and software agents provides a promising computing paradigm for efficient service selection and integration of inter-organizational business processes. This paper proposes an agent-based Web DSS; the main contribution of our study is to provide an efficient tool that helps users find information resources available as an online service within Intranet. The decision-making is not only guided by the information provided by DSS but rather than the Web technology, the process is entirely based on communication between ISP Agents and Web agent. While negotiating compromises for conflict solving to share common resources, decision centres use Web service to conduct various complementary tasks. To illustrate the idea, a simple case study is given.
Keywords: Decision Support System (DSS), Integrated Station of Production (ISP), Software agents, Web-based DSS.
1 Introduction
Computer technology progress has led to widespread use of computerized support in various activities. Particularly, traditional decision support systems (DSS) focus on computerized support for making decision with respect to managerial problems. There is an emerging and fast growing interest in computerized support systems in many other domains such as information retrieval support systems, research support systems, teaching and learning support systems, computerized medical support systems, knowledge management support systems, and many more. The recent development of the Web generates further momentum to the design and implementation of support systems.
Obviously enough, there is a strong trend for studying computerized support systems especially on Web platforms. Research on
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