1.1 Introduction
Inverters are used to produce constant or variable frequency AC output from a DC source. These inverters can be used for AC applicatio n like driving an induction motor. Such type of inverters in present world are used largely in renewable energy systems to convert DC to AC, example is a PV system where there is a requirement of such type of inverters which can power AC systems such as an induction motor (IM).
It is required to produce a pure sinusoidal waveform for the proper functioning of the IM drive. This can be done by incorporating pulse width modulation (PWM) techniques.
Technique used in generating a Pulse width modulation is that of the comparison of reference signal which is a sinusoidal waveform as required at the output and a triangular or carrier signal of high frequency. This
microcontroller which is a common method of generatin g PWM switching signals and requires C++ programming knowledge which is used to program such controllers.
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Design and Implementation of a Single Phase Inverter Circuit
The above technique uses continues sampling scheme [1], which gives less harmonics, improves flexibility and waveform.
This project also demonstrates in detail the study and working principle of two important protection circuits. These circuits are the Bootstrap gate-drive circuit and blanking time generation circuit. Either of the two circuits can be used in the PWM scheme. The pros and cons of both the circuits are discussed.
The Bootstrap gate drive circuit is the one of the widely used circuits in high power application [7, ]. This technique has an advantage of being uncomplicated and economical. The disadvantage is that the on time duty cycle req uires the bootstrap capacitor to be refreshed of its charge
References: 3rd Edition, Hoboken, NJ, John Wiley & Sons, 2003 [6] EHSANI, M. & RAMANI, K. R. 1994. Recent Advances in Power Electronics and Applications Mini Project Laboratory, University of Leeds, UK, 2012. for ELEC5564M Power Generation by Renewable Sources, University of Leeds, UK, 2011. [12] Datasheet for TD351 Gate driver: “ Design and Application guide for Advanced IGBT/MOSFET Driver”, STMicroelectronics, 2004. [13] Datasheet for IR2111 Gate driver: “ Design and Application guide for Advanced IGBT/MOSFET Driver”, International IOR rectifiers , 2004. Avago Technologies, 2008. [16] Michael Waite.: “3-Phase Power Inverter using Sinusoidal Pul se Width Modulation” ECE department, University of Leeds, 2007 .