2.1 General
Design canvas is of five types. Each type may be in varying numbers depending on the case under research. Empathy summary in describe the top 5 problem on the basis of desirability, feasibility & viability, and finally choose exact problem from five possibilities. The Ideation Canvas helps in carving out different requirement in-line with attempting/ looking forward to have an idea about addressing a problem. The product must be performing certain functions and have set of features that can be check possibilities for accommodating features.
AEIOU sheets are of five types. Each type may be in varying numbers depending on the case under research. More numbers of these observation records will ensure …show more content…
The depth of water evaporated from this pan of given area and in a given time is measured with the help of a micrometre, from which the rate of evaporation per unit time per unit area is calculated. The pan rests on a carefully levelled, wooden base and is often enclosed by a chain link fence to prevent animals drinking from it. The rate of evaporation so obtained is multiplied by a suitable pan coefficient, so has to obtain the evaporation rate from the given water body.
(A) U.S. Weather bureau Class “A” Pan. This pan is 1.2 m. in diameter, 24 cm. Deep, and its bottom is raised 15 cm. above the ground surface as shown in fig. the depth of water is to be kept an in fixed range, such that the water surface is at least 5 cm. and never more than 7.5 cm. below the top of the pan. Pan co-efficient is about 0.6 to 0.8, generally taken as 0.7 Fig. 9 U.S. Weather bureau Class “A” Pan (Cross Section) (B) Colorado Sunken Pan. It is 90 cm. square with a depth ranging between 30 to 90 cm. and buried in the ground within about 10 cm. of the top. The water should be within 2.5cm. of ground level. Pan coefficient is 0.75 to 0.86, generally taken has …show more content…
The ruler is a straightedge which may likewise contain aligned lines to gauge separations. Fig. 14 Scale
3.6 Procedure A pan is fixed over the of concrete block stand. Whose heights are 100 mm. Three measuring pan are fill the domestic water up to the depth of 100 mm. in the pan. Here we considered three pan one in which evaporation losses are measured on with shade ball showing the amount of losses reduce due to evaporation and second in which evaporation losses are measured on with polystyrene sheet are will be reduce evaporation losses. And finally are pan is actual evaporation. To get the comparative results. In still the shade ball and polystyrene sheet on the water surface of the pan and set to both of 100 mm water level in the pan. We used to standard evaporation measurement time 8:30AM & 5:30 PM of the day. First reading at 8:30 AM measuring the atmosphere temperature, water temperature and water level in pan, same note down to reading book and same reading at 5:30PM also of both the pans. This process is continuously working for 70 days. And measuring sheets complete and result. Find out the all they result and compare to