I. Statement of the Problem
II. Objectives
III. Assumptions
IV. Areas of Consideration
V. SWOT Analysis
|STRENGTHS | | | |
|1. Eastern gear sells its products primarily to |1. The number of gears in most orders is small |1. Acceptance of other companies or buyers |1. Workforce should be observed |
|engineering research and development | | | |
|laboratories | | | |
|2. Eastern gear accept a few larger orders for |2. * Lower prices were accepted on these orders.|2. Introduction of new processing design and |2. Advanced facilities used by the competitors |
|100 gears or more to pay the overhead |* Some deliveries of small orders were late |operation equipment | |
|3. Layouts (Exhibits 3) Facilities development |3. Jumbled flow of products through the shop |3. Adoption of new strategic method |3. change of personnel assign |
|of worker skills and training | | | |
|4. Large and small order are processed together