Make sure your store is in a prime location and is easily accessible to the end-users. Do not open a store at a secluded place.
Floor Plan
The retailer must plan out each and everything well, the location of the shelves or racks to display the merchandise, the position of the mannequins or the cash counter and so on.
Straight Floor Plan
The straight floor plan makes optimum use of the walls, and utilizes the space in the most judicious manner. The straight floor plan creates spaces within the retail store for the customers to move and shop freely. It is one of the commonly implemented store designs.
2-Diagonal Floor Plan
According to the diagonal floor plan, the shelves or racks are kept diagonal to each other for the owner or the store manager to have a watch on the customers. Diagonal floor plan works well in stores where customers have the liberty to walk in and pick up merchandise on their own.
3-Angular Floor Plan
The fixtures and walls are given a curved look to add to the style of the store. Angular floor plan gives a more sophisticated look to the store. Such layouts are often seen in high end stores.
4-Geometric Floor Plan
The racks and fixtures are given a geometric shape in such a floor plan. The geometric floor plan gives a trendy and unique look to the store
5-Mixed Floor Plan
The mixed floor plan takes into consideration angular, diagonal and straight layout to give rise to the most functional store lay out.
Tips for Store Design and Layout ▪ The signage displaying the name and logo of the store must be installed at a place where it is visible to all, even from a distance. Don’t add too much information. ▪ The store must offer a positive ambience to the customers. The customers must leave the store with a smile. ▪ Make sure the mannequins are according to the target