There are a number of facts, consequences and the stakeholders that are critical to the decision process. If the radioactive waste was to be disclosed, the sales negotiation would most likely terminate, DAC will likely go bankrupt which will result in termination of all employees. The Florida Department of Health and Florida Department of Environmental Protection regulate medical waste and require strict handling & proper disposal. As result, specialized medical waste cleanup effort needs to be incurred by the property owner at a big expense. The article states that Florida law does not require the disclosure of hazardous substances on commercial property so long as there hasn't been a fraudulent misstatement about the condition of the property; however Nash was asked by the Fledgling representative “Anything I should know about?” The consequences to non-disclosure are potential lawsuit to clean up the medical waste and/or invalidate the sales transaction. Fledgling will be building a retirement facility with walking trails and outdoor recreational space. Radioactive land
could have devastating effects on its future residence health, in addition contaminate the surrounding community’s well/ground water.
There are multiple ethical values in question, the key values are honesty & integrity to ensure full disclosure to Fledgling and the responsibility to DAC and its employees. There is also a social responsibility to