Meet Bob, a successful lawyer and Lee a successful real-state agent. The show introduces this stereotypical gay couple, season 4 as the neighbors watch them load their “fragile” boxes into their new house on the perfect street of Wisteria Lane. They are greeted at their front door with baked goods in a basket and crystal white smiles just like everyone else did when they first arrived. The first misleading portrayal on the show was the automatic acceptance, especially from wealthy, successful middle class families. Gay couples, in today’s real estate have a hard time finding perspective homes. Some cant even finds real-estate agents to help them. If a gay couple catches a break and does find a home that fit’s their conformability and financial ability it is less likely that the neighbors would be as welcoming. The gay community struggles with acceptance daily. Going to the movies and holding hands they get awkward stares and people make them feel uncomfortable. Going home decorating shopping gays get laughed at and scolded. But not on Wisteria lane.
The second misleading portrayal of the gay couple is the idea that there’s always a masculine and feminine partner. In this segment character identification is being used. The idea that le interacts with the audience. He fits the typical