
Destruction Of The Indies

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Destruction Of The Indies

My contention is that if we disregard militaristic paradigms and view the Conquest in a disaster context, akin to a people’s actions before, during, and after, through a sociological lens, the story of conquest becomes more transparent. The goal of the present study is to analyze several sources (primary, secondary, tertiary, Spanish, indigenous, and modern) with the intention of locating, identifying, and measuring whether or not there existed some quality among the indigenous, inherent or developed, with the potential of impacting the Conquest’s outcome.

Source Analysis

Primary Sources
Alvarado Tezozómoc, Fernando. Crónica mexicana: precedida del Codice Ramírez, manuscrito del Siglo 16 intítulado: Relación del origen de los indios
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These accounts represent a first hand account of the conquistadores’ deeds and experiences.

de las Casas, Bartolomÿe. A Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies. Ed. and Trans. Nigel Griffin. London: Penguin Books, 2004.

Bartolome de las Casas, a Dominican friar, wrote A Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies to illustrate the mistreatment and brutalities committed against the indigenous population during the Conquest of the Americans. De la Casas wrote the report for King Charles I of Spain, as a means to enlighten the Spanish monarch on the occurrences going on within the New World. de las Casas was afraid that Spain would come under divine punishment for the mistreatment of the indigenous. More so, de las Casas wrote about his concern for the souls of the people. The importance (and significance) or this source is that it presents a first hand account, and concern, and a European towards the treatment of the indigenous and furthermore the decline of the Aztecan civilization. Bartolome de las Casas, was the first Spaniard to attempt to depict the unfair treatments of the Native people. For de las Casas, he viewed the unfair treatment as being heavily against the Spanish methods (and beliefs) of colonization, which, he labels, inflicted a great loss on the indigenous occupants of the
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She argues, prior to Spanish colonization there were no ‗Indians‘ proper, but an assemblage of diverse Andean ethnic groups: Silverblatt theorizes that the term Indian ―must be understood in its sociability, emerging in the social relations that engage human beings in time. History is inseparable from social processes of understanding; and this holds true not only for those Andeans who, in seventeenth century Peru, were mobilized by a consciousness of their Indianness, but also for our own attempts to conceptualize the past and present through terms like

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