Received: 27 January 2012; Accepted: 04 April 2013.
Vasiliki Makri
Department of Business Administration,
University of Patras,
Department of Business Administration,
University of Patras,
Athanasios Bellas
Department of Business Administration,
University of Patras,
Determinants of Non-Performing
Loans: The Case of Eurozone
UDC 336.77 (4-672EU) ”2000/2008”
DOI: 10.2298/PAN1402193M
Original scientific paper
Acknowledgements: The authors would like to thank the two anonymous referees and the Editor for their constructive comments and suggestions that improved our paper.
We are also grateful to Dr.
Konstantinos Papadatos for his helpful recommendations. Summary: The purpose of the present study is to identify the factors affecting the non-performing loans rate (NPL) of Eurozone’s banking systems for the period 2000-2008, just before the beginning of the recession. In our days,
Eurozone is in the middle of an unprecedented financial crisis, calling into question the soundness of the banking systems of European countries. Looking at both macro-variables (e.g. annual percentage growth rate of gross domestic product, public debt as % of gross domestic product, unemployment) and micro-variables (e.g. loans to deposits ratio, return on assets, return on equity), we investigate which factors determine NPL on aggregate level. Overall, our findings reveal strong correlations between NPL and various macroeconomic (public debt, unemployment, annual percentage growth rate of gross domestic product) and bank-specific (capital adequacy ratio, rate of nonperforming loans of the previous year and return on equity) factors.
Key words: Non-performing loans, Bank specific variables, Macroeconomic variables, GMM difference.
JEL: C23, G21.
During the last two decades, a significant
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