Everyday Situations Can Influence Health: Defining Health
Everyday within society, there are stresses and conflicts that can influence the health and well-being of an individual. There are twelve determinants of health that help not only to define health, but also to assist in understanding the problems and health concerns within society. All of these determinants are interrelated and can have different effects on someone’s health (Potter & Perry, 2010). A single negative determinant in one’s life can affect a large aspect of other determinants that can result in health problems or other situations that can negatively affect the wellness of an individual. Being in good health is the state of psychological, social, environmental and physical well–being, which ultimately leads to an improved quality of life.
Social Environment
To begin, social environment is categorized as a major health determinant as it influences people’s interactions within the health care system (Reutter & Eastlick Kushner, 2010). Reutter and Eastlick Kushner, (2010) state that the social environment has norms and values in society that influence the health of people within the society. An individual’s social environment can limit and influence their access to health information. They may lack the understanding of health and illness, and limit their participation in health promotion and prevention programs, as a result of their ethics, values and culture (Reutter & Eastlick Kushner, 2010). An example of limitations in health promotion can be seen within the history of Aboriginal communities. When the Canadian government restricted the rights of Aboriginal peoples, they were forced to try and adapt to a new culture and social environment. The Aboriginal people were not allowed to participate in their cultural dances, ceremonies, languages and song (Richmond & Ross, 2009). These traditional practices allowed the
References: Churchill, S. S., Villareale, N. L., Monaghan, T. A., Sharp, V. L., & Kieckhefer, G. M. (2010). Parents of children with special health care needs who have better coping skills have fewer depressive symptoms. Maternal and Child Health Journal, 14(1), 47-57. doi: Committee on Environmental Health. (2007). Global climate change and children 's health. Pediatrics, 120(5), 1149-1152. doi: 10.1542/peds.2007-2645 Potter, P., & Perry, A. (2010). Health and wellness. Canadian Fundamentals of Nursing (revised fourth edition ed., pp. 6-9). Toronto: Elsevier Canada. Power, E. M. (2005). Determinants of healthy eating among low-income canadians. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 96, 37-42, S42-8. Retrieved from Richmond, C., & Ross, N. (2009). The determinants of First Nation and Inuit health: a critical population health approach. Health & Place, 15(2), 403-411. doi: 10.1016/j.healthplace.2008.07.004