Determination of Total Monomeric Anthocyanin Pigment Content of Fruit Juices, Beverages, Natural Colorants, and Wines by the pH Differential Method: Collaborative Study
JUNGMIN LEE U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Pacific West Area (PWA), Horticultural Crops Research Laboratory Worksite, 29603 University of Idaho Ln, Parma, ID 83660 ROBERT W. DURST and RONALD E. WROLSTAD Oregon State University, Department of Food Science and Technology, Corvallis, OR 97331 Collaborators: K.W. Barnes; T. Eisele; M.M. Giusti; J. Haché; H. Hofsommer; S. Koswig; D.A. Krueger; S. Kupina; S.K. Martin; B.K. Martinsen; T.C. Miller; F. Paquette; A. Ryabkova; G. Skrede; U. Trenn; J.D. Wightman
This collaborative study was conducted to determine the total monomeric anthocyanin concentration by the pH differential method, which is a rapid and simple spectrophotometric method based on the anthocyanin structural transformation that occurs with a change in pH (colored at pH 1.0 and colorless at pH 4.5). Eleven collaborators representing commercial laboratories, academic institutions, and government laboratories participated. Seven Youden pair materials representing fruit juices, beverages, natural colorants, and wines were tested. The repeatability relative standard deviation (RSDr) varied from 1.06 to 4.16%. The reproducibility relative standard deviation (RSDR) ranged from 2.69 to 10.12%. The HorRat values were £1.33 for all materials. The Study Director recommends that the method be adopted Official First Action.
nthocyanin pigments are important to food quality because of their contribution to color and appearance. There is increasing interest in the anthocyanin content of foods and nutraceuticals because of possible health benefits. Anthocyanin pigment content can also be a useful criterion in quality control and purchase specifications of fruit juices,
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