Take the unit from the course book Bachillerato Made Easy, Richmond Publishing, available in the Assignment materials section (at the same place where you can find this paper): Materials 1, and the unit ‘Botellón!’ from an English textbook published in the Basque Country (2010) for teenagers: Materials 2. Compare and contrast the way the two units deal with the four skills. You should refer to the following matters:
The learning theories implicit in the way the units are presented and developed.
The extent to which the skills are integrated.
The product-process aspects of the two units.
The ‘authentic/genuine’ aspects.
The issue of simplification of text
The relationship between the skills work and the learning/practice of grammar.
The opportunities for production (oral and written) the units provide.
The types of production required.
The variety (or otherwise) of the activity types.
Which unit do you prefer? Why?
Of course, add any other aspects that you consider relevant or important. The above list is simply a suggestion of the sort of considerations you will need to make in order to analyse the two books critically, and to arrive at a conclusion as to which of the two units you prefer, if indeed you have a preference.
Students: Abad, Tania; Morales, Vivian
Group: 2013_10
Subject: Developing Language Skills in the Classroom
The Learning Theories
The integration of the Skills
The Product-Process Aspects
The Product-Process Aspects
Authenticity and Genuineness
The Issue of Simplification of Text
The relationship between the skills work and the learning/practice of grammar
The opportunities for production (oral and written) the units provide
The types of production required.
The variety (or otherwise) of the activity types.
Which unit do you prefer? Why?
Contrasting and Comparing Materials
For the ESL learners, the textbook becomes the
Bibliography: 1. “Botellón”. (2010).English Textbook for teenagers. Basque Country. 2 3.Oxford, R. (2001,September).“Integrated Skills in the ESL/EFL Classroom”. Eric Digest.Pp.1-2.Retrieved from: http://www.cal.org/resources/digest/0105oxford.htm [Read: May 3, 2014] 6.“Teaching Speaking” (1998). NCLRC The Essentials of Language Teaching. Retrieved from: http://www.nclrc.org/essentials/speaking/spindex.htm. [Read: April 27,2014] 7