Human Resource Management (HRM) strategy is a set of elaborate and systematic plans of action. The company objectives and goals should be aligned with the objectives and goals of the individual sections, departments and/or divisions. In today’s perspective, functions that under HRM include staffing, creation of workplace policies, compensation and benefits, retention, training and development, and working with regulatory issues and worker protection.
As the HR professional for this new company in Latin America, the development and implementation of proper international strategies that suit the company in its business operations and processes will be established. The company will first review the human resource employee manual in an effort to develop an employee manual that incorporates strategic aspects of the company; hence, promoting the achievement of both long and short-term objectives of the company. The company will also consider the alignment of its employee manual with the long-term mission and vision goals and objectives of the company to promote the synchronization of the different processes. As the company is more likely to acquire international customers, the development of strategies to govern the conduction of international business with the international customers bearing in mind the difference in international business policies would be crucial for the company. The company should observe the policies in different countries in regard to international business and also observe the element of cultural diversity when dealing with international customers. As the company has trouble with recruiting aviation mechanics and senior management personnel, the company should first create opportunities for individuals from its own country in various positions in the company after which it would provide opportunities for international employees to fill in the slots. In addition, the company should have a set standard
References: Bennett-Alexander, D.D. & Hartman, L.P. (2012). Employment law for business, (7th Ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Irwin. Evans, P., Pucik, V. & Bjorkman, I. (2011). The global challenge, (2nd Ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Irwin Pearce, J.A. & Robinson, R.B. (2013). Strategic management: planning for domestic & global competition, (13th Ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Irwin Tyson, S. (2007). Why HR management will never be the same again. Personnel Today. Retrieved from