This paper reveals an observation of development and empowerment and how it affects leadership skills. I will compare similarities and differences of development and empowerment, while providing one specific example of each. An explanation of conclusions and/or insights will be explained regarding a comparison of development and empowerment. I will examine the view of leadership authority and what I believe would be mostly likely to empower other individuals. Keywords: development, empowerment, effective leadership, comparison, leadership authority, similarities, differences
Development and Empowerment Effective leadership requires development of characteristics and strategies, combined with empowerment to achieve desired goals. According to Manning and Curtis (2012), effective leaders are not born, but cultivated through hard work (p. 354). Development within a work setting is seen in efforts used to improve the employee’s facility to handle a variety of assignments. Cultivating the capabilities of employees beyond what is required in their current positions is another example of development. Developing skills beyond an individual’s current position takes a leader capable of direction, guidance and recognition. According to Leadership Skills (2011), Self-development is the basis of successful leadership development. Leaders should not micromanage, be overly concrete or fail to plainly state expectations and other inefficient behavior only happens through an increased self-awareness (para. 7). An example of development in the workforce could be seen in cross-training employees for dual assignments. Training employees to be a part of developing additional techniques to increase production will boost employee morale and overall production. Similarities of development and empowerment in this example could be seen in the desire to see employees exceed their skill levels. Differences in the comparison could be noted by
References: Michaels, S. (2011). Training and Development. Empowerment. Retrieved from (2011). Build effective leadership skills. Leadership Tips. Retrieved from