Development Studies
1DEV610 Development in the Era of Globalisation
Academic Year 2009/2010
Semesters 2
Module Outline
Module Leader: Dr Farhang Morady
Welcome and Introduction 3
Module Aims 3
Teaching Pattern 4
Core Reading 4
Lecture Schedules 7
Assessment / Submission 23
Grading Patterns 23
Referencing and Bibliography 25
Plagiarism Detection Service 26
Plagiarism detection system (JISC) 27
Welcome and Introduction
Welcome to the module. This handbook provides all the information you need regarding the module’s content and assessment requirements. It includes the module’s aims and learning outcomes, assessment weighting and assessment criteria, the lecture and seminar topics, essay questions, reading lists, rules for referencing and bibliography, and university assessment regulations.
Module Aims and Objectives
There are many debates and discussionsaround the definition of globalisation:
a) globalisation is seen as an increasing integration of the world’s economies through eradication of barriers, opening of capital market and international trade; b)a process of interdependence between states across the world over a range of complex issues such as environmental degradation or nuclear proliferation. If a and b are correct what role do non-governmental organisations such as multinational corporations, terrorist organisations, human rights groups or religious movements play to shape our world politics?This module will examine these concepts, including the spread of neo-liberal economic orthodoxy and the role of the state. We assess whether increased economic and political interdependence makes nation-states powerless to intervene on behalf of their citizens, and the extent to which globalisation is compatible with democracy. Students will critically examine the debates
Bibliography: *Bello, W. F. (2008), Deglobalization: Ideas for a New World Economy, Zed Books. *Callinicos, A *Clark, I. (1997), Globalization and Fragmentation International Relations in the Twentieth Century, OUP. * Held, D *Ellwood, W. (2008), The No-Nonsense Guide to Globalization, Verso. *Harvey, D. (2007), A Brief History of Neoliberalism,OUP. *Hirst, P *Hoogvelt, A. M. M. (2001), Globalization and the Postcolonial World the New Political Economy of Development, 2nd ed, Johns Hopkins University Press. *Osterhammel, J., and Petersson, Niels *Kapoor, I. (2008), The Postcolonial Politics of Development, Routledge. *Kiely, R. (2008), The New Political Economy of Development: Globalisation Imperialism and Hegemony, Palgrave. *Rosenberg, J *Stiglitz, J. E. (2003), Globalization and its Discontents, Allen Lane *Stiglitz, J *Schwartz, H. M. (2009),States Versus Markets: the Emergence of a Global Economy, 2nd ed Edition, Macmillan. Wade, R. (1990), Governing the Market: Economic Theory and the Role of Government inEast Asian Industrialization, Princeton University Press. World Bank (2008: October), World Development Report, 2009: Reshaping Economic Geography, World Bank. World Bank World Development Report 2000/2001: Attacking Poverty, 2000. Further Reading: Burbach, R. (2001), Globalization and Postmodern Politics: from Zapatistas to High Tech Robber Barons, Pluto Dicken, P Dodds, K. (2005), Global Geopolitics: A Critical Introduction, Pearson. Fukuyama, F. (1992), The End of History and the Last Man, Hamish Hamilton. Hay, C. and Marsh, D. (eds) (2001), Demystifying Gobalization, Palgrave. Held, D and Archibugi, D. (eds) (1995), Cosmopolitan Democracy: An Agenda for a New World Order, Polity. Khor, M Krieger, J. (ed) (2006), Globalization and State Power: A Reader, Pearson. Lechner, F.J. and Boli, J. (2004), The Globalization Reader, 2nd ed, Blackwell. Michie, J. (ed), (2003), The Handbook of Globalisation, Edward Elgar. Munck, R. (2005), Globalization and Social Exclusion : A Transformationalist Perspective, Kumarian. Nederveen Pieterse, J Panitch, L. et al. (eds), (2004), The Globalization Decade: A Critical Reader, Merlin. Robertson, R. (1992), Globalization : Social Theory and Global Culture, Sage. Sklair, L. (2002), Globalization: Capitalism and its Alternatives, OUP.