To: Bertrand Green, CEO
From: Name, Director of Public Relations
Subject: Approval needed to develop a New Employee Incentive
Since the slight drop in sales and the lack of interest my local contacts have had in Easy to Be Green (EBG) initiatives recently, I have been brainstorming of new ways to promote company spirit with employees and boost EBG’s public image. While I was brainstorming, I was looking thru my office window at EBG’s parking lot and noticed that the majority of employees’ vehicles are common gas guzzlers like SUVs, and pick-up trucks. This picture made me think, how can EBG help employees be more eco-friendly while matching the company’s mission? I did a little research and found a local hybrid dealership that is offering excellent rebates to employees whose employer purchases company vehicles thru them.
By the company purchasing new hybrid cars this will create a wonderful public image that matches our mission. EBG can use the newly purchased hybrid cars in advertising. The advertisement can read, “Easy To Be Green practices what they preach to their customers!” This type of advertising will catch the eye of potential customers and create a positive public image. As the Director of Public Relations, I can use our internal environmentally friendly efforts to attract positive media stories with the local newspapers and news channels.
I realize that getting new company cars is very expensive. Especially since the company vehicles are not due for replacement; however, this doesn’t mean the company can’t profit from this deal. EBG can donate current company cars to a local charity like Kars 4 Kids. The donation will look great to the public and we can use the donation as a tax write-off.
After the company purchases new hybrid cars, the dealership will give great rebates to our employees. These rebates will encourage employees who are thinking about getting a new vehicle to purchase a hybrid instead of a