Theory Unit 1: Extension Education - Meaning, Distinction between Extension and Education, Informal, Formal and Non-Formal Education, Objectives, definitions, Levels, Principles and Importance . Adult Education and Distance Education
I. Extension Education: Meaning The word ‘extension’ is derived from Latin roots ‘ex’ meaning ‘out’ and ‘tensio’ meaning stretching. So, extension is that kind of education which is stretched out to the people living in rural areas beyond the limits of the educational institutions like Schools, Colleges and Universities to which the formal type of education is usually confined. Extension is pursued in agriculture and many other disciplines like Veterinary, Dairy, Fishery, Forestry, Home Science etc., to educate, motivate and change the behavior of the people. So, this particular branch of science is also known as Extension Education. The term ‘extension’ originated in United Kingdom (U.K) in 1866 with a system of University Extension, which was first taken up by the Cambridge and the Oxford Universities and subsequently by other Educational Institutions in U.K and other countries. In 1873, the Cambridge University first used the term ‘extension education’ to describe a particular educational innovation.
II. Extension and Education: The Distinctions
Extension and Extension Education are different in meaning and scope from technical points of view.
The term ‘education’ was derived from the Latin roots ‘educare’ meaning ‘lead out’. Its dictionary meaning suggests that it is the process of teaching and learning; the theory and practice of teaching; the information about or training in a particular subject.
However, technically ‘education’ means production of desirable changes in human behaviour. And such changes in behavioural complex may be brought about in terms of knowledge, skill, attitude, understanding, goal, action and confidence. On the other