Osho Aquila Adeolu
Development plan of knowledge management in international mobility process
Case: Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences
International office
Fall 2010
Business School
Degree programme in Business Administration
International Business
Faculty: Business School
Degree programme: Degree Programme in International Business
Specialisation: International Marketing
Author: Osho Aquila Adeolu
Title of thesis: Development plan of knowledge management in international mobility process
Case: Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences International office
Supervisor: Anne-Maria Aho
Year: 2010
Number of pages: 122 Number of appendices: 20
The primary aim of this thesis is to examine the present situation of knowledge management in the mobility process and find out possible ways of developing it.
In this thesis, respondents working with the international affairs were interviewed; their responses were analyzed and related to theory.
Qualitative approach was implemented as the methodology. According to theory, knowledge is an asset that can give an organization competitive edge. On the other hand, knowledge creation is an expensive activity. O ne of the reasons organizations form knowledge creation collaborations is to share resources that are needed to create knowledge.
The study found more differences than similarities in respect to the theory provided. It was discovered that the organization has already implemented an information system as regards mobility process; they have mainly focused on the management of explicit knowledge (planning, organizing and providing access to a knowledge base) rather than creating an avenue for transforming taci t knowledge of the experienced staff members to explicit knowledge.
In conclusion, a software for managing knowledge is proposed in the development plan for Seinäjoki University of Applied
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