a)Deviance is the violation of a culture’s norm.
b)Talking on your cellular phone during class is an example of deviance.
2. What are the different types of crime? Define each type. a)Crimes against the person.These types of crimes involve direct violence or threat of violence to another person. b)Crimes against property.These types of crimes involve the theft of something that belongs to someone else. c)Victimless crimes.These types of crimes are those that don’t have a clear victim.
3. What is social control? Give one example of social control.
a)Social control refers to the ways that a society keeps people from breaking the laws and norms.
b)A teacher giving a student a detention for doing something wrong is an example of social control.
4. What are three factors that Hirschi argues makes us more or less likely to be deviant?
1)Attachment. Whether or not we give into temptation depends on how attached we are to our family and friends. If we have strong attachments, we are less likely to engage in deviant behaviors that may make our family and friends think less of us or disapprove of our behavior. People with weak attachments are more likely to give into temptation because they have less to lose.
2)Belief .The stronger a person’s belief in morality, religion, and values like respect for authority, the more likely they are to conform to society’s norms. Individuals who have a weak moral compass or conscience are more likely act in a deviant way.
3)Involvement .The more involved a person is in society ,such as having a job, belonging to social clubs, going to school, or volunteering with an organization,are less likely to give in to temptation and act in a deviant way. Those who are not involved and who have a great deal of time on their hands are more likely to have deviant behavior.
5. What is the criminal justice system? What are two parts of this system?
a)Criminal justice system is society’s formal