The Devil in the White City written by Erik Larson is the riveting account of the first modern serial killer of the 19th century in America. Published in 2003, Larson carefully and accurately creates a connecting plot of two very different characters. The first character introduced in the book is Daniel Burnham. Burnham is the architect who builds the 1893 World’s Fair in Chicago. He faces many challenges in his journey to construct the most incredible World’s Fair the world has ever seen. After the death of Burnham’s partner, John Root, he must make many compromises in his grand plan. Building drafts continuously incoming late, construction worker deaths, extreme economic weakening, and the reveal of the Eiffel Tower are just a few details that compromise Burnham’s design. However, Burnham tirelessly works through the obstacles and completes the construction which in the end brings a profit.…
"The Devil in The White City" is a book written about the 1893 Chicago's World Fair but simultaneously tells the true story of Americas first serial killer, H.H. Holmes.…
The Devil in the White City is a nonfiction book that brings to life the building of the 1893 World's Fair in Chicago. The book talks about a serial killer named H.H Holmes who wins people over with his charm. He is very persuasive and kills people for their life insurance money. Throughout the whole book people come from all over the world to see the World's Fair in Chicago, and Holmes uses this to his advantage.…
1. Who is the narrator? Where does the story take place? What time period? – How did you guess?…
Erik Larson is a nonfiction author with a number of bestsellers including The Devil In The White City. He lives in Seattle with his wife and three daughters. In The Devil In The White City, Erik Larson tells stories of two men accomplishing different lifestyles in Chicago. The book takes place around the time of the World’s Fair and is written in a third person omniscient point of view. While one man is trying to prove Chicago’s ability of not being a failure to the country, the other man brings a whole new meaning of failure to the city of Chicago.…
In the book ‘’Guns, Germs and Steel’’ By Jared Diamond explores a brief history of the human world and how it has become what it is today. When Jared Diamond takes a visit to New Guinea, he is encountered by a local politician on the beach whose name is Yali, and as they walked and talked together, Yali asked a simple question “Why is it that you white people developed so much cargo and brought it to New Guinea, but we black people had little cargo of our own?’’ .That question made Jared go on the journey of his life. The book explains how three major powers: Guns, Germs, and Steel brought by the Europeans, conquered the world and raises a simple question on why many societies and civilizations were different back then and how it has shaped the fates of humanity as it is today.…
The Devil in the White City by Erik Larson is a book centered around the events of the Chicago World’s Fair of 1893. This book features a dual storyline following the events of Daniel Burnham and his involvement in the architectural design of the World’s Fair, and Dr. H H Holmes, a man using Chicago and the World’s Fair to his advantage in a killing spree. Though these two story lines do not interact with each other directly, it serves the great purpose of contrasting the very good that the very evil that came from the World’s Fair. This book is demonstrating two completely…
The Devil in the White City: Murder, Magic and Madness at the Fair That Changed America is a detailed look at the climate and events surrounding the 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago, Illinois. This time period ushered in a new era of architectural and cultural changes throughout the country. This book was written by Erik Larson, is 447 pages long, and was published by Crown Publishers in February 2003. I chose this book because I had heard from friends and family that it was an interesting piece, and a surprisingly good read for a work of non-fiction.…
In The Crossing, a book by Gary Paulsen, a boy named Manny Bustos is trying to overcome the challenges of crossing the border between Mexico and the United States. Manny, a 14 year-old homeless boy thinks that if he can cross the border his life will be good forever. He is right that he will be able to get a job and be able to do fine. He will be fine if he is able to make it to America because if he is able to survive in the harsh conditions of Juarez, Mexico such as fights, drunken soldiers, older homeless boys, and is able to find food or money to buy food Manny will be able to make money in the United States.…
For every man who devotes his effort and intelligence into enriching the world, there will be an equally powerful man who intends to counterbalance the goodness with malevolence. In The Devil in the White City by Erik Larson, the intertwining tales of Henry H. Holmes and Daniel Burnham show that good cannot exist without evil, just as evil cannot exist without good. In the midst of one of Chicago’s finest architectural happenings, one man is working meticulously to create the most extravagant architectural endeavors of the time, whilst another man is working equally hard to be detrimental to those who are drawn in by the 1893 World’s Fair. Although the two characters seem paradoxical, they are similar in their people skills and obsession – but differ in their relationships and legacies.…
Black Boy is an autobiography of Richard Wright who grew up in the backwoods of Mississippi. He lived in poverty, hunger, fear, and hatred. He lied, stole, and had rage towards those around him; at six he was a "drunkard," hanging about in taverns. He was surrounded on one side by whites who were either indifferent to him, pitying, or cruel, and on the other by blacks who resented anyone trying to rise above the common people who were slaves or struggling.…
“Code of the Street” by Elijah Anderson explains the unwritten rules understand by people living in poverty or the inner cities. Most of these poor individuals fall victim to violence, and oppression. Although their goals may be to overcome their current circumstances, there is an understanding of the unequally that has been created unfairly and it provides a harder path for them to accomplish their goals. The information from the video relates to cultural deviance theory because it showed how people are a product of their environment. There were men on the corner participating in criminal activity and the spokesman also mentioned there were a lack of jobs in this area of Germantown Ave.…
Devil in the White City, a monograph written by Erik Larson, detailing the lives of two men during the years of construction and preparation for the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair (alternately, The World’s Columbian Exposition)— Daniel Burnham, the lead architect of the fair; and Herman Mudgett (alias: H.H. Holmes, among others), a serial killer taking advantage of young women flocking to the city in search of the chance to lead their own lives.…
Before the fair was even planned, American cities had already been impacted greatly. Cities like New York, St. Loius, and Chicago had a great sense of pride and unification within itself because all citizens wanted the world fair to happen in their home. Other than unification within states, the fair also unified the country. Although during this time a depression was happening, the charm and intensity of this attraction seemed to calm the nation down. You could say that it served not only a distraction but also a reminder that there is always light in the dark times. The timing of this fair couldn’t have been better for America. Because of…
Julius Caesar was quite a macho play, the characters were constantly focused on honor and strength. They were blindsided by their own feelings. Although there was a lot of violence in the play, the characters felt the need to hide any emotions, such as "weakness". Living in a place like Rome, everythign on the surface was physical strengh, fighting, and manliness. They had to keep everything in.…