This topic is raised in the philosophy of religion, but before I get to that I would like to share my economic views on it, in a world in which people must obey authority or face certain sanctions, we follow a system of rules formed to keep us from committing immoral acts, without question of rather these moral rules and laws …show more content…
Which believes that morally good acts could have been formed before god, which is the reason for god commanding them. I find this to be false, I believe that god is “ The creator of all things, the creator of all moral obligations.” He tells us what is morally right or wrong according to how he wants this world to be, by saying that good acts were prior to god just raises more questions. Which I believe god is the most realistic explanations for the makings of good morality.
The second answer to the Euthyphro dilemma posed three problems, but the one that stood out to me the most was “the problem of Abhorrent commands” because The divine command theorist believe that morally abhorrent acts such as homosexuality, murder and burning baby kittens could be morally good acts if god says …show more content…
I believe many people live as ethical relativist. A second point of clarification was made in this book which made perfect since, it explained how many people in different societies all have their own personal circumstances, and a lot of decisions made in their lives are based off of these circumstances. For example, if a person is being held at gun point by someone who is trying to kill them, they then fight them off, grab the gun then kill the person. Would they necessarily be wrong? A situation like this would seem like the right thing to do for the majority of society. More than often, many sanctions are based off of what society thinks are the morally right or wrong ways to live. Ethical Relativism and Devine Command theory have a similar relationship between the two because most of what society has chosen to be right or wrong is based off the word of god, which is read in the bible. Many religious beliefs are passed down from generation to generation, the words of god in a lot of cultures around the world is the only way these people live, with society determining the punishments of who disobey these