“Their minimalist impulses allowed them to turn "Satisfaction" into a full-blown attack on the dual themes of individual consumer "satisfaction" in a maddening media culture, and sexual "satisfaction" in an oppressive and repressed society” (Cateforis 577). Devo actually shows us the lack of satisfaction in the song “Satisfaction”, it shows us the sexual repression and how society tries to force us to be disciplined, pushing us to be abstinate and repress our desires and emotions because, “abstinence and repression are designed to regulate the white body, to conquer its fleshly imperfections and elevate the spirit over the troubled torso” (Cateforis 581). We get to see Devo repress everything in their performance, they are in control of every movement and make sure to look as disciplined as possible. Unlike any other band they don’t even interact with each other, no effort to acknowledge the participation of the others. As a "band," this is one that has seen its roles of social interaction severed and muted to the point where the members resemble malfunc- tioning modern subjects” (Cateforis 579) They control themselves even as they perform, they don’t get wild or even appear to have fun like other bands, this is slightly unsettling for …show more content…
Music is something we listen to that relaxes us, helps us pass the time, soothe us. Devo’s music doesn’t do any of that for us. If you aren’t looking for any deeper meaning you won’t find any, and even if you are on a search for a deeper meaning to the songs of Devo it’s extremely challenging to find one. The music just becomes bothersome to listen to. “The way in which Devo inverts the overall structure of "Satisfaction." The original is a classic model of what musicologist Richard Middleton has referred to as a "tension/release" popular song form” (Cateforis 574). The original is in a very normal style, it builds up then releases the tension. The way Devo sings it there is no release to the tension so it leaves you waiting for this release but it doesn’t come, leaving the reader feeling uncomfortable. This song literally gives no satisfaction, it builds up but there is no release, it leaves the listener on edge. “ Where Jagger's powerful delivery ultimately transcends the song's issues, Mothersbaugh embodies the song's critique. Devo's version literally maps the overwhelming effects of the new modern society directly onto Mothersbaugh's voice and body. Ultimately Devo's "Satisfaction" is a protest song perfectly suited to its particular time and place” (Cateforis 582). Devo’s version isn’t just a catchy tune like the original, they took the meaning of the song