G062/01 Structured ICT Tasks
MAY 2015
* 2 6 9 2 0 7 9 4 0 5 *
Issued September 2014
Maximum Mark 80
You should attempt all the tasks, working independently from other candidates.
There are no time limitations on the tasks other than that they must be submitted by the appropriate internal deadline set by the candidate’s centre. This deadline will reflect the need for the centre to complete marking of the tasks and submission of marks to OCR by 15th May 2015.
There are no restrictions on computing facilities, hardware or software that may be used.
All work produced for the tasks must be kept secure within centres and not published or distributed externally in any form.
You must not be given, either individually or as a group, any assistance, verbal or written, in the carrying out of the tasks or evidence to produce.
Once your tasks have been marked by the Centre, they cannot be resubmitted for improvements. •
Candidates are reminded of the need for good English and clear presentation in their answers. They will be expected to have used software tools, such as spellcheckers, to help achieve this.
Notice to candidates
The work which you submit for assessment must be your own.
However, you may:
(a) quote from books or any other sources: if you do, you must state which ones you have used;
(b) receive any guidance from someone other than your teacher: if so you must tell your teacher, who will record the nature of the assistance given to you.
If you copy from someone else or allow another candidate to copy from you, or if you cheat in any other way, you may be disqualified from at least the subject concerned. When you hand in your coursework for assessment, you will be required to sign that you have understood and followed the coursework and portfolio requirements for the