
Dharma In South Asian Religions

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In order to understand Dharma in South Asian religions you need to understand the purpose Dharma serves for both Buddhism and Hinduism religions. Dharma serves a different purpose in Hinduism than it does in Buddhism. In Buddhism cosmic law and order is Dharma, and also the teachings of Buddha. Dharma is the teaching of the Four Noble Truths, the Noble Eightfold path, the Three Marks of Existence, and also the teachings of liberation from suffering. In Hinduism, Dharma is the order that makes our lives possible, and also includes rights, duties, laws, virtues, conduct, and the right way to live. Hindus will do good things in order to receive good karma, so they can be liberated from reincarnation and death cycles, and they must follow the cosmic …show more content…

It is simply following the teachings to achieve Nirvana. Both religions follow righteousness and believe in reincarnation and the many different paths to enlightenment and that our suffering is caused by attachment to people and things in the world. Hinduism is about understanding existence, Brahma, within Atman, meaning soul or self. Buddhism is understood as to find Anatman not the self or soul. In Hinduism in order to understand the Brahma one must attain the highest life by removing distractions. In Buddhism, one follows a life of discipline to understand and move through that nothing is oneself, dispelling the illusion of existence and achieving Nirvana. Hindus believe that The Buddha was a reincarnation of Vishnu. Both religions have compassion and bring upon peace to all living things, and do not bring on any violence to animals or humans. Buddhism doesn’t believe that any god or gods are anywhere near as powerful as the Buddha. Both religions believe in many heavens and hells in layers. Buddhists believe that their goal in this life is to overcome sorrow. Hindus believe that there are four goals which are Dharma, Kama, Moksha, and Artha. Hindus and Buddhists believe that there are multiple dietes and gods. Both religions believe in concentration, cultivation of certain states of mind, and both believe in meditation. Hindus and Buddhists also believe

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