(K/DOQI Guidelines). Of the 32 patients with diabetes, only 30 were included in the analysis. The 2 patients that were omitted has an spKt/V reading of 0.00.
Including this two patients in the overall evaluation will yield an erroneous result.
Data reveal that 80% or 24 of the 30 patients achieved an spKt/V of at least 1.6. Based on the histogram, majority of the patients achieved an spKt/V greater than the target 1.6. Thirteen patients achieved dialysis adequacy of 1.81-
2.16, the range with the most number of patients.
Having 80% of diabetic patients achieving the target Kt/V is a very good indication of good dialysis service in the center, since this is usually difficult to …show more content…
achieve because of multi system organ involvement of the disease (2).
According to current mortality data, only one in five diabetic patients who begin dialysis will be alive in 5 years (2,3). In order to have better survival prospects, diabetic patients need to achieve higher urea clearance rates. The KDOQI guidelines established a higher spKt/V of 1.6 – 1.8 for these patients (K/DOQI