T.R. express increased concerns and levels of anxiety with lack of understanding and questions regarding diabetes mellitus. She could also ask her primary physician or nurse for additional education concerning the recent diagnosis of diabetes. Mrs. T.R. can write down whatever questions or concerns on down on a piece of paper prior to her doctor’s appointment. Providing the patient with educations and clarification regarding their recent diagnosis, will allow the patient to gain control over their health condition. This will lessen the anxiety experienced by Mrs. T.R. and she will feel more comfortable and confident with taking care of …show more content…
If a patient living in poverty and does not have the available resources, this will have an impact or influence regarding the patient health status. People often defer to seek medical attention when there is financial resources to take care of the medical expense. As the medical treatment is being placed on hold, the medical condition continues to detorriate. When the patient finally seek medical attention, the problem has progressively worsen overtime and it will require more resources and skills to resolve the